Unpacking Business Value (AgileCamp Dallas Keynote)

What: AgileCamp Dallas, Capital One Conference Center (Plano)
Topic: Unpacking Business Value
When: Monday, October 19

From the development side, it’s easy to think of Business Value as accurate, one-dimensional, and fully auto-sort.  We unpacked this a bit, and worked our way back to real customer value.  Core analogy: is freeze-dried astronaut ice cream really ice cream?  Do our paying customers care about business value points, or only real improvements they can directly experience? Can agile teams stay close enough to paying customers to be good judges of flavor?
The AgileCamp organizers (including Bratton & Co) generously put this great event together with 300+ attendees, hosted by CapitalOne.  Jeff Sutherland, co-creator of Scrum, had the closing talk of the day.

Here are videos of Rich’s keynote and impromptu afternoon talk on product managers/product owners.

AgileCamp Dallas: Unpacking Business Value (Mironov) from Rich Mironov