Online Course: Product Leadership Essentials

After decades of in-person classes, workshops, and event keynotes... I'm offering a live (real-time) remote course for CPOs, VPs, and others who directly manage teams of product managers. It's called Product Management Leadership Essentials with each cohort limited to 12 participants, with four 2-hour sessions in each group.

We ran four groups in 2023 and two (so far) in 2024 – all of which filled up quickly. Please add yourself to my mailing list or this course-specific form for info on upcoming dates.

Core topics:

  1. How to speak the language of money with executives
  2. Merchandizing: internally communicating the value of product work
  3. Managing priorities and buy-in with Go-To-Market execs and other stakeholders (when they aren't aligned with each other)
  4. Constructing happier and more productive "maker" teams

Ideal attendees are currently running a product management organization (rather than aspiring product managers). And to make it a safe space for complex organizational discussions, we apply the Chatham House Rule ("participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker or other participant may be revealed" aka “What happens in workshop, stays in workshop.”)