Stockholm Product Leadership Days

Stockholm’s third annual Product Leadership Days (“Produktledardagen“) was held on March 22-23, drawing more than 60 product management professionals and technologists from Sweden and northern Europe. (Agenda in Swedish.)  This year’s focus was on sustainable profitability for B2B tech companies.

The event included a TED-style set of presentations and workshops on innovation, portfolio management, communications and sustainability.  Day One finished with a keynote from Rich Mironov on “Product Management Observations from
Silicon Valley.”  Day Two was broken into two extended workshops, with Rich and twenty-five Swedish product leaders spending three hours on a backlog of practical  product management challenges within an agile development organizations.

This wonderful event is organized by Tolpagorni‘s Magnus Billgren

Produktledardagen Keynote, March 2012
View more PowerPoint from Rich Mironov