Product Management Leadership Essentials

With a small group of your PM leadership peers, we'll dig into tough organizational, economic, and executive-level issues. We'll share real-world experiences. We'll discover that most product leaders are wrestling with a common set of internal selling challenges.


Neat selection of resources. I bookmark a lot of the ones you post and use them on a regular basis.

Adam Peters

Founder, Netmetrix

I love your mix of content. So many helpful resources, articles and news I wasn’t aware of!

John De Beer

CEO, Mirnac

To be honest, you guys provide me with the best newsletter. I receive lots of newsletters and yours is the most useful!

Rachel Shaw

Owner, Creatile


Latest issues

"product manager looking at screen showing AI-generated image" generated by MSFT Designer

Plausible vs Correct (AI)

In our rush of AI optimism, I’m seeing some echoes of past over-reaches.  1. Personalizing/humanizing systems: using “he/
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CPO Burnout

Cold take: most of the CPOs I know are unhappy, frustrated, burnt out.  (My selection bias: mostly B2B/enterprise, primarily
Coalition-Building and Corporate Anthropology

Coalition-Building and Corporate Anthropology

As product managers, we’re trained to talk about benefits with customers/ prospects rather than features.  How will this product
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Every System Has a Bottleneck

Software architects know that every system has a bottleneck.  Imagine an analytics app where the slowest step is uploading massive
Moving Up to Product Director

Moving Up to Product Director

In a course I’m running on moving up the product management organizational ladder, we’ve spent time comparing/contrasting
Money Talks: Aligning Product Strategy + Business Goals

Money Talks: Aligning Product Strategy + Business Goals

I was thrilled to join ITX's Product Momentum podcast for an episode called "Money Talks: Aligning Product

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