
Upcoming Talks

  • Money Talks: Aligning Product Strategy + Business Goals
  • Leveraging Product Analytics to Boost Growth And Revenue
  • Podcast: More 2 Marketing
  • Videocast: Product Leader's Journey
  • Videocast: Steve Johnson & Grant Hunter (Product Growth Leaders)
  • Videocast: Mastering C-Suite Persuasion
  • Podcast: Modern Job Hunt - From PM to Product Director
  • Podcast: Speaking the Language of C-Level Execs (Money)
  • GTM Podcast with Mike Smart
  • Product Aotearoa Conference (Auckland, NZ)
  • Canterbury (NZ) Tech Summit
  • Rochester NY: ITX Product + Design Conference 2023
  • Podcast: How to Influence Executives
  • Webinar: Reducing Product Waste (and achieving great outcomes)
  • Interview: How to Prevent Product Waste
  • Podcast: Agile & Sales-Led Development
  • Podcast: Core Challenges for Product Managers and Product Leaders
  • Podcast: Ethical Dilemmas in Product Management
  • Podcast: How Product Management and UX Can Work Together
  • Podcast: Customers are more forgiving about roadmaps than sales teams
  • Product Management of Complex B2B Products (Software + Hardware + Services)
  • Panel Discussion: Time Management for Product Managers
  • Getting Onto and Moving Up the Product Management Career Ladder
  • Podcast: “Champagne Strategy,” Innovation, and Product Growth
  • Panel: What Does It Mean To Be An Excellent Product Leader?
  • Getting Developers’ Buy-In on Build versus Buy
  • Podcast: Fighting Fires in B2B Product Management
  • Product Management Helps Us Build the RIGHT Things
  • Podcast: What Do You Do With a HiPPO?
  • Podcast: Building and Managing a World Class Product Management Discipline
  • How to Manage Misaligned Stakeholders
  • Podcast: Why Finding Insights is So Painful
  • AMA on Working with Sales and Executives
  • Managing Misaligned Stakeholders (Mind The Product APAC)
  • What Product Leaders Do (Cape Town)
  • My Stories Aren’t Long Enough… (Product Camp Cascadia)
  • Podcast: Workplace Confessions
  • Podcast: Combining Business & Product Mindsets
  • Software Economics and Slippery Slopes for Product Companies
  • Podcast: Product Leadership beyond Managing PMs
  • Hiring a Head of Product (Video)
  • Webinar: Building Soft Skills as a Product Leader
  • Podcast: Bridging the Product/Engineering Gap
  • Podcast: Cross-Functional Soft Skills for Product Leaders
  • Podcast: Savvy PMs Engage All Their Audiences
  • Webinar: Creating a Thriving Product Organization
  • Webinar: Covid19’s Impact On Your Product Strategy
  • Podcast: Product Leadership, Career Planning, and Getting Fired/Hired
  • How Agile + Product Management helps build the RIGHT things the RIGHT Way
  • “My Stories Aren’t Long Enough…” (Dublin/Virtual)
  • Podcast: Execs Don’t Always Know What Users Need
  • Designing, Structuring and Leading Product Organizations (Toronto)
  • Podcast: How Product Managers Can Work Effectively With Data Scientists
  • Podcast: Creating a Thriving Product Organization
  • Webinar: Product Management Tips For Data Science Projects
  • Melbourne/Sydney: Leading The Product Conference
  • Brainrants on Product Leadership
  • Video: “Moving Up Into Product Leadership” at INDUSTRY
  • What Do Product Leaders Do? (and How Can I Become One?)
  • Webinar: My Stories Aren’t Long Enough…
  • Paying It Forward: Product Camp SV Keynote
  • Product Experience Podcast: The Product Mensch
  • Cambridge: Software Pricing Demystified (BoS Europe)
  • Videocast: Moving Up into a Product Leadership Role
  • Dublin: Organizational Challenge of Enterprise Roadmapping
  • Seattle: Understanding Enterprise Product Companies
  • Podcast… “The Rich Mironov Hypothesis: Great Product Leadership is Both Subtle and Slow to Pay Off”
  • Videocast: Transforming with Truly Effective Product Management
  • Rosenfeld Podcast: Managing Multiple Points of View
  • Auckland: “Saying No to Good Ideas”
  • Product Love Podcast with Pendo’s Eric Boduch
  • Boston: Roadmapping’s Organizational Challenges (Business of Software)
  • Athens: The Need for Real End User Validation
  • Auckland: Scaling SaaS
  • Auckland: Product Management Leadership Games
  • Webinar: 10 to 10 Million, Navigating Growth as a Product Manager
  • IoT Product Podcast: You Can’t Outsource Strategy
  • Visual Notes from Pitney Bowes Product Management Summit
  • Understanding Enterprise Product Companies (Video)
  • Frankfurt: ISPMA Software Product Summit Keynote
  • Dublin: What Your Roadmap Audiences Are Really Thinking
  • Dublin Workshop: Managing Stakeholders and Priorities
  • Sydney: Building & Scaling a Product Team
  • Sydney Workshop: Managing Stakeholders and Priorities
  • Melbourne: Building and Scaling a Product Team
  • Auckland: What Your Roadmap Audiences Are Really Thinking
  • InfoQ Podcast: Product Development/Management Trends
  • Santa Clara: Certificate in Productizing Innovation
  • Auckland: Four Laws of Tech Product Economics
  • Podcast: How to Be Effective Without a Product Leader
  • Post: 10 Questions from The Clever PM
  • Dublin: Product Managers, Product Owners, Scalable Product Models
  • Podcast: Perspectives on Product Management
  • Podcast: Mistakes Product Managers Make
  • Seattle: Four Laws of Tech Product Economics
  • Product Camp: Getting Promoted to Director
  • One-Day Product Leaders Roundtable
  • Portland: Four Laws of Tech Product Economics
  • TwitterChat on DevOps & Product Management
  • Market-Facing Skills for Product Managers/Owners
  • Podcast: Mastering Business Analysis
  • Podcast: Organizational Anthropology
  • Building the RIGHT Thing @ AgileCamp SV
  • Product Management Basics for Project Managers (PMI webinar)
  • Products That Count Podcast
  • Lean Meetup: Challenges of Enterprise Product Management
  • FIR B2B Podcast: How Product Managers and Marketers Can Work Together
  • Agile2016 Innovation & Product talks
  • Hack The Process Podcast
  • Product Tank Silicon Valley, Four Laws of Software Economics
  • MTP Product Leadership Workshop, London
  • Agile@Cork
  • ProductTank Dublin, Four Laws of Software Economics
  • Turning Ideas into Software (Panel)
  • Everyday Innovator Podcast: Product/Organizational Challenges
  • SVPMA 15th Anniversary: Future of Product Management
  • Unpacking Business Value (AgileCamp Dallas Keynote)
  • Talk: Four Laws of Software Economics (Business of Software)
  • Making Hard Product/Portfolios Decisions (Product Tank SF)
  • Agile2015: Intro to Agile Product Management
  • Why You’ll Eventually Need a Product Manager at Your Startup
  • Making The Right Strategic Choices in Product Portfolios (RallyON)
  • Driving Strategic Choices for Agile Product Portfolios (Agile Leadership Network)
  • Silicon Valley View of Product Owner/Manager Challenges (Agile@Cork)
  • What do Directors and VPs of Product Management Do? (PCampSV)
  • Bangalore product tour (Feb 2015)
  • Why Silicon Valley Continues to Rock the World (Stockholm Market Insights Conference)
  • Good, Better, Best (Product Camp Seattle)
  • Why You’ll Eventually Need a Product Manager at Your Startup (SF)
  • Scaling Agile Product Teams (Zürich)
  • “Product Management is Not Optional” (ELSIG, Palo Alto)
  • Is Product Management Obsolete? (SVPMA, Palo Alto)
  • Video: Scaling Up Agile Product Teams (at Cisco)
  • Good, Better and Great Product Management (PCamp LA Keynote)
  • Customer Value and What Things Are Worth
  • T@Cork: Product Manager/Product Owner Challenges
  • Webinar: Demystifying Agile Product Management
  • “Why I’m Passionate About Product Management” (PCamp SF Keynote)
  • Three Product Challenges for Entrepreneurs (Stanford)
  • “Getting Promoted” Talk at SV Product Camp ’13
  • Video: Product Management and Startups
  • Product Management Essentials for ProJECT Managers
  • StartUP SF: Defining Product Management
  • Podcast: Galvanizing The Product Management Career Path
  • Stockholm Product Leadership Days
  • Agile Product Manager/Product Owner Dilemma
  • Webcast with John Peltier
  • Product Management Essentials for Project / Program Managers
  • Santa Clara MBA Lecture on Product Mgmt
  • How Engineering Can Work Better with Product Management
  • Skills You Need to Succeed as a PM (SVPMA Panel)
  • How Agile Changes (and Doesn’t Change) What Product Managers Do
  • Santa Clara MBA Lecture on PM and NPD
  • P-Camp ‘10: Thinking Like an Agile Product Manager
  • Third Annual Silicon Valley Product Camp
  • Agile Product Manager Dilemma
  • Keeping Your Product Management Job
  • Agile 2009: Product Management/Ownership and Business Agility
  • Forrester Podcast with Tom Grant
  • Product Camp NYC
  • Agile Transformation Seminar
  • Pricing, Business Models, and What Things are Worth (Workshop)
  • Strategic Pricing for Start-Ups and New Products
  • Second Annual P-Camp
  • Strategic Pricing (MIT Sloan School)
  • Customer Input and Planning Horizons (Haas Executive Education)
  • P-Camp, the first Agile Unconference for Product Managers
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